Beating Winder Doldrums

Supposedly Monday (January 20) was the most depressing day of the year and I guess that means this is also the most depressing week of the year. I choose not to believe that and am going out of my way to beat the wintertime blues. Here's a list of what seems to work for me.

1. Avoid fatty comfort foods. Whenever it's cold I get the worst cravings for everything that is unhealthy, whether it is chocolate or chips or fast food. I basically crave carbs, fat, and sugar.  This year I have been trying really hard to substitute fruit or vegetables in place of the less healthy options of snacks. I've also made a huge effort to only eat if I'm actually hungry. I'm usually guilty of eating out of boredom, stress, or because I happened to be passing through the kitchen. The first couple weeks were rough. I had my boyfriend kindly remind me that I probably didn't really want to eat whatever it was I thought I wanted. (I asked him to do this and it helped.) I can't believe what a difference this made. I have more energy and motivation to do things (probably to keep me from snacking), as well as feeling a whole lot better about myself

2. Set Reasonable Goals. Shooting for the moon is great in theory, except if you're like me overly high reaching goals can result in being overwhelmed and nothing getting done. I'm not saying don't aim high, just break the goals down more into things that you actually think you can get done. For example, I know I'm not going to be able to run a marathon a month from today or lose 20lbs in a month (although I'm sure many people could do that). With working full time, trying to keep up with a house, and wanting to keep some time for my friends, finding time to workout is difficult. Some days I just don't have an hour to commit to working out. So rather than aim for running the 13 miles, I'll set my goal at 3 miles to start. Or for weight loss, I'm trying for 2lbs a month. Slow and steady wins the race you know.  The only place I set overreaching goals in with my savings and that's because it keeps me motivated to take surveys and try to earn more money. 

3. Try Something New.  Whether it be taking up a new hobby (scrapbooking, book club, etc), going sledding for the first time, or simply making a new recipe, this is sure to keep your winter exciting.  Last weekend we went ice skating. Although I had gone before in my lifetime, it's been about ten years. To be honest, I'm pretty awful, but it was a lot of fun. I'd definitely go again if it ever gets above zero and it's a blizzard. 

4. Workout. To start, it will definitely warm you up. For me this can be motivation enough. During the several subzero days this winter, it has seemed impossible to stay warm. In all seriousness though, it does tend to cheer you up and help you sleep better. It also seems to help me blow off steam and be less stressed. It doesn't have to be a huge workout either. I've been doing 12 minute workouts and it still seems to make a world of difference.

5. Get Dressed Up Just For You. Do you fall into the habit of getting home and throwing on old sweats because they are warm and comfy? I do. After awhile of only wearing sweats, I know I start to feel worse about myself or that I don't want to go out in public. Dressing up can usually cheer me up. You tend to act the part at least of how you're dressed. So throw on a skirt and heels or a shirt and tie and go have some fun! 

6. Relax and Indulge Once In A While. Don't do this too often, but if the stress of work and bills and whatever else finally starts getting to you, and then it's not a bad idea to kick back. Some days I just need to catch up on the latest How I Met Your Mother episode or conquer the world playing Civilization. These tend to be the days where I let my food slip up too, but I do attempt not to get too crazy with my eating or I'll pay for it later. After one of these days, I feel more motivated to get back to work and earn my next day off. 

7. Visit Friends/Call Family. Being alone all the time can make anyone depressed. For several months this year my boyfriend was working out of town and I only got to see him maybe once a month (if I was lucky). I lived alone my job is not a high interaction job (I sit at a computer for hours on end). I basically would start to get a little crazy if I didn't get to talk to anyone for a whole day. Getting together for suppers or coffee always pepped me up for the next week. Calling even helped, but not nearly as much as hanging out with the family or old friends. Also when we get together at someone's house, we always end up playing games (cards, board games, dice games). So much fun- can't be in a bad mood after games. 

8. Get Outside. I know, I know, it is FREEZING out. On those days it does warm up, I try to go out and at least shovel or go for a quick walk. Fresh air can't be a bad thing. Outdoor hobbies help give you time away from work and home. Try sledding, or skiing (cross-county or downhill), ice skating, or play in the snow for a while. 

9. Eat Soup or Drink Some Tea. Get warm- this is a big issue for me. Plus, soup seems heartier and keeps me satisfied longer thus preventing the bad eating habit. You can't say you don't like soup because there are honestly thousands or millions of kinds. Now tea on the other hand, lots of people don't like tea or coffee. If that's the case have some hot chocolate or apple cider. They make lots of warm drinks too. 

10. Finish "Indoor" Tasks. Make winter seem worthwhile by finishing anything around the house that you know you won't want to do when spring rolls around. Organize your closets, go through your stuff for get rid of items, clean, etc. This really gives a purpose to all the cruddy weather. 

11. Get Your Jam On. Dancing to my favorite songs or blasting them through the house while I clean keeps me from remembering that its too cold or dark to do anything outside.   

12. Get Organized. Living in a messy space can put anyone into a bad mood. It stressful when you can't find things or if it is dirty everywhere. I can't claim to have anywhere near a spotless house or be able to find everything I want, but I tend to keep enough order to keep me sane.

Obviously this list is not all-inclusive, just a few things in no particular order to keep me from feeling the dreariness of the most depressing week of the year.  


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