New Year, New You: Swap Resolutions for Goals Part 1 - Importance of Goals

Happy New Year!

Now the real stress begins right? You have an endless list of New Year's resolutions like getting fit, seeing friends more, and saving more money. What these kind of resolutions do is set you up for failure. They have no specifics and no milestones. If you can't see progress alone the way you will most likely give up and end the year forming the same resolutions for the next.

While a resolution should be a great term to use as it is defined on, "a decision or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something", it has become mired in too many ambiguities and failed new year's resolutions. Theses New Year resolutions have become more the stuff of wishes and dreams than being actual resolutions. That is why this year I am setting goals for 2016 rather than New Year's resolutions. Rather than falling behind and giving up, we're going to help you succeed this year.

So why are goal important?

1) Goals layout what you want in life.

If you want to see real change, you have to take an active stance on your life. Without goals, you will most likely be in the same place 10 years from now unless someone else's actions change your situation. When you set goals, you are saying "I know what I want" and you're much more likely to get it.

“The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” – Bill Copeland

2) Goals Provide Motivation

If you see an end point, you will feel like you are working towards something. You will feel as though you are making progress as opposed to being busy everyday and finding you have nothing to show for your work.

3) Focus Your Efforts

“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”
                             Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

If you know what you want, you can make a plan to make it happen. Then you will have a better idea of which road or roads you want to take.

4) Become Accountable

By writing down and/or telling others your goals you have gotten ideas out of your head and this will in turn motivate you. If others are counted on you to do something or are asking about your progress you are more likely to achieve.

5) Better Yourself, Better Your Life

By striving for new ideals and dreams, you can make them a reality. This will not only improve how you feel about yourself, but also your quality of life. It may help you land that dream job or finally run that race. Goals give your life purpose, for without them you are merely wandering this earth and passing time until the end comes. Goals will help you live a fuller life and achieve things to may never have thought possible.

Check back tomorrow to see our tips on how to set goals in New Year, New You: Swap Resolutions for Goals Part 2


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