Cucumber Juice

This is a picture or the tomatoes and cucumbers we picked in one day.

Since we get so many cucumbers every day, we had to find a new ways of using them. We made pickles, we ate raw cucumbers, we used them in recipes, but at some point you just don't want to eat them anymore. And at some point, you're actually getting too much fiber. For this reason, we decided to try juicing.

Juicing allows you to get all the vitamins and minerals from the vegetables without the fiber and without having to actually eat them. For many people, getting enough vegetables can be challenging. How do you get 5 servings a day? Well unless you eat a lot, juicing could be your answer. Vegetable juice can be a good replacement for fruit juice for kids, as they are lower in sugar and can be just as tasty.

Cucumbers make a great juice as they are 95% water and are somewhat sweet. The juice will not only taste great, it is also high in vitamin K, B vitamins, potassium, vitamin C, manganese, and copper. If you're having trouble getting those vitamins, juice is a great way to quickly boost your intake. Be careful not to overdo the vitamins though. If you are eating healthy, you may not need a multivitamin.

What You Will Need
Cucumbers (cut into spears)

Juicing is very easy. Just follow your juicers instructions.

We use an Omega Juicer and all that is needed to is to place cucumber spears in the feeder hole and wait for juice and pulp to come out the other end. We can create a gallon of juice within ~10 minutes. A screen is helpful to keep your juice pulp free. Pour into pitcher and store in refrigerator.

Use juice within two days to ensure freshness.

If you aren't getting enough fiber, make it a smoothie rather than a juice. Use a blender and add it some frozen fruit, kale, or other vegetable to round out the flavor. Another way to increase fiber intake is to use the pulp for baking or cooking. It is an easy way to add fiber to omelets or bread.


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