Morning Coffee Money Saver

Love your single serve brewer? So do we.  What we don't love is the cost of a single cup of coffee. While using K-Cups is much cheaper than swinging through your local coffee shop every day, it's still costing you on every cup of coffee you drink.

Pocket those savings by investing in a refillable Keurig filter. These can run between $5-$10, but last a long time. We've had ours for around 3 years and it still works like a charm. Then all you have to do is buy your favorite coffee grounds and VOILA!, you have just saved yourself some hard earned cash. Multiply your savings on each cup of coffee you drink. Trust me, it'll add up fast.

Want a fancy coffee like at the shop? Whip cream and flavoring aren't that expensive either if you'll keep them on stock at home. Loose tea can be used in these filters too!


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