Baby Freebies

Walmart Registry - Create a registry and then register for your welcome box. It was very easy to create, though the checklist wasn't quite as simple to navigate as it was on Amazon or Target. To register for your box, click the register link above and enter your registry URL along with your shipping information. As far as I can tell, there is no purchase requirement to receive. See the full value breakdown in the Baby Box post. 

Amazon Registry - Get a free welcome box after completing 60% of your registry checklist and have over $10 in purchases from your registry. You MUST BE A PRIME MEMBER to redeem. Amazon shows different requirements even on the same page for the registry checklist with one sentence showing 60% required and another showing 80% required. You can check when it is available to you by clicking on the benefits tab of the baby registry on Amazon. When it is available, you can add to your cart. It will show up at costing $35. At checkout, review your payment methods and choose to use the $35 promotional credit to make the baby box free. This is definitely a bag rather than a box, but still has several samples/freebies included. See our full unboxing and value of contents on our Amazon Baby Box post. This one doesn't seem to provide nearly as good value as the Target welcome bag or even add up to the $35 value claimed. See the full value breakdown in the Baby Box post. 

Target Registry - Get a free welcome bag after creating registry. You can redeem in store or online, but need to either pay for shipping or combine with a $35 order to get free shipping when redeeming online. Redeeming in store is fairly simple, just show your registry barcode at guest services and they will get your bag. This was our favorite freebie so far. It has nearly twice the contents of the Amazon Baby box. See a full unboxing and value of contents on our Target Welcome Bag post. You also get 15% off fulfillment of your registry that can be redeemed once in store and once online so it is a great way to get a discount on items you need anyway! Contents valued at over $45, full breakdown shown on the Target Welcome Bag post.

BuyBuy Baby - Create a registry and redeem a free welcome box in stores. They also offer a 15% off completion bonus. The checklist on the website is the most interactive out of all the registries I look at. It stays open on the side for easy viewing and clicking. They also started offering to ship a welcome box for $10 and you get a $10 credit to use towards your registry.

Babylist - Free baby box when you create a registry and buy at least $10 from the registry. You will also need to pay $5.95 in shipping to receive. Samples change over time but may include bibs, hats, diapers, wipes, bottles, pacifiers, and coupons. We didn't opt in for this one as the registry items here are quite a bit more expensive than the other stores we looked at and the shipping was a ding against them as well. However, if you plan to register here or want more unique items that are only carried on Babylist, definitely take advantage of the Hello Baby Box

Enfamil Family Beginnings - Get a starter box containing 3 canisters of formula, two pre-mixed infant formula bottles with a nipple included, belly badges (you get to choose months or holidays), as well as a packet of discount checks (coupons) for use on Enfamil products. I didn't count mine, but there appear to be 15 or more discount checks offering $5 or more off a formula of your choice. See the full breakdown at our Enfamil Family Beginnings blog post. 

Similac StrongMoms - Get a free 8x8 Shutterfly Photobook, 5% off your first online Similac purchase, Earn points towards future rewards, get a free welcome box that includes coupons and 2 canisters of formula to sample, as well as a few coupons for $5 or more off future Similac purchases. 

NoobieBox - While this one isn't entirely free, it is still a fairly good deal. You pay $9.95 in shipping and at the time of posting, the box contains: Aquaphor baby diaper rash cream, Boiron Camilia Teething Relief, Cuties set of 5 diapers, Lansinoh breastfeeding set (nursing pads, milk storage bags), Lansinoh Organic nipple cream, Palmer's stretch marks massage lotion sachet, Prevail set of 2 liners, Morning Pep Prenatal Vitamin sample, Upspring Milkflow lactation drink sachet, Vahdam tea sachet, WaterWipes baby wipes travel size. 

BabyBoxco - Take classes and be rewarded. At time of posting a few of the rewards included: 7 days of free counseling, free breast pump with insurance, $60 off baby shoes, $40 off belly bands, $40 off nursing pillows, $60 gift card for Ruffle Buns, $35 gift card for Eskimo Kids hats, and a free diaper bag when you subscribe to DYPER. I believe the rewards change and occasionally they will send you free items rather than gift cards or discounts. 

Aeroflow - You provide insurance info, they verify coverage and submit paperwork on your behalf to get breast pumps, maternity compression and postpartum recovery items. 

Infantino - Enter to win a box of Infantino goodies as well as to test and review baby products in the future.

Pampers - Free educational classes for expecting parents, coupons, and offers. Earn rewards from each pampers product you purchase. 


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