Quick Quiche

We made quiche (or as Race calls it-egg bake) to use up some of our eggs. We got 4 dozen when they went on sale for $0.96/dozen. I wasn't too sure about how it would turn out as we basically threw in whatever we had, which wasn't too much. I did buy spinach to add to it just to get something healthy in there. I think overall it can't be too bad for me to eat and it did taste great!

Here is a breakdown of the ingredients with costs. We might have put some garlic powder in and we did add hot sauce when we served it, but these costs are minimal- probably less than 1 cent.
10 eggs 0.8 .96/dozen
16 oz Spinach 1.79
2 Onions 0.53 3.97/5lb
3 Potatoes 0.58 2.88/5lb
1/2 C Cheese 0.99 1.98/2 Cups
Total 4.69
Per Serving 0.39

We mixed everything together and baked it in a 9"x13" cake pan at 350 degrees for around 40 minutes. Any pan will work and any batch size will work ( fewer eggs or more eggs). The top was goldenish, just starting to brown around the edges when it was done. Check with a knife and if it comes out clean you're good to go. We froze most of it and took a piece out as needed to bring for lunch during the week. Keeps well in the freezer and maintains great taste! I'll try to remember to add pictures next time- we already ate it all.


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