June Goals Report
Has another month already gone by? Half the year has passed, but have we surpassed half of our goals? Keep reading to find out.
Financial Goals
Gain Employment (Race) ☑
- Done - Race started working in February.
Save 50% of our income
- We are back on track with this goal. While April was a rough month, in May we were able to save 74% of our income bringing us to around 61% of our income for the year. I am not posting both with and without mortgage anymore as the extra payments on the mortgage are increasing our net worth and should therefor count as savings. We are also planning on paying off the mortgage this year and will then start putting money back into our regular savings.
Increase passive dividend income by 25%
- We are on track for 23% increase this year - slightly below our goal. It fell due to a few dividend cuts, but the main culprit is that we haven't been contributing to dividend earning stocks as we push to pay off the mortgage which has impacted this goal.
Increase net worth by 14%
- We are currently up 9% for the year. Paying down the mortgage has helped tremendously. We are on track to increase by 19% for the year.
Earn $2,000 Tutoring ☑
Earn $15 on YouTube/Blogging -- Please Subscribe
- This was switched from the higher $100 goal due YouTube changing monetization policies. So far this year we earn $14.25.
Sell $150 of Random Lily Soap☑
Stay within budget☑
- See our Monthly Budget - June Report for all details on how we budget $2,400/month and are still able to save money. We were able to save 20% off this tight budget.
Business Goals
Post 150+ videos to Thriftism Channel
- We posted 9 new videos this month for a total of 52 videos this year. While this is slightly off track, we have lots of content waiting to be edited! See some of our latest videos below.
Post 52+ Blog Posts
- We only wrote 5 posts last month for a total of 22 for the year. We actually got enough published this month, but will have to post extra to hit this goal.
Remonetize YouTube
- We are at almost 70% of subscribers needed and around 58% of watch time needed. Every month we are getting closer. If you haven't already, consider subscribing. We greatly appreciate your support!
Grow Twitter to 1,000 Followers☑
- As of July 1, we had 1,196 followers.
Write London Guide Book
- No Progress
Write Munich Guide Book
- No Progress
Begin ThriftyFit Series
- Have done some filming, but need to create a post and edit the video.
Create Math Practice Workbook
- No Progress.
Post 52+ videos to Rolland Tutoring Channel
- ZERO posts. Will work on this one going forward too.
Fitness Goals
Lose 10 pounds by December 31, 2018
- We didn't make our goal of losing any weight by May 1 and have reset this to the end of the year, though it is one of the lower priority goals.
Complete 1 - 30 days challenge ☑
Workout 4x/week ☑
- With the warmer weather, I was able to walk over my "coffee breaks" at work and sometimes over lunch to hit around 1 hour of walking every day. I also started running a few days, playing volleyball once a week and am counting yard work.
Mental Goals
Read 6 self-improvement books
- Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
- Life & Debt - Leslie Tayne
Read 6 additional books
- The Pilot's Wife - Anita Shreve
- How to Walk Away - Katherine Center
- Check out our full book review here!
- Inferno - Dan Brown (75%)
Attend church 1/month
- We didn't make it this month.
Complete 2 coursera courses
- Almost done with Financial Markets on Coursera.
Master Spanish in Duolingo (all gold bars)- Ashley ☑
Complete Duolingo or book Spanish lessons 3x/week - Race
- No Progress.
Fun, Travel, Social, Relationship, House, Hobby Goals
Host 2 game nights
- We hosted one game night in April and are planning another for later this summer.
Attend 1 monthly social outing☑
- We play volleyball with friends once per week and went out for drinks with my family/friends a few times in June.
Visit family 1 time each month☑
- We made it to the cities to visit some relatives. We got to visit Como Zoo and Saint Anthony Falls while we were there.
Travel to Mexico ☑
Complete one additional trip
- Tickets to Rome have been purchased!
Create and purchase England trip photo book ☑
Create and purchase Germany trip photo book ☑
Handmade Christmas - at least 75% of gifts given are handmade.
- No Progress.
Make wax melts
- Have started looking at what I need to order. I missed the 20% off sale and am waiting for the next big sale.
Make candles from kit received for Christmas
- No Progress.
Can 40 quarts of green beans and 100 quarts of tomatoes
- Garden is in, now we just have to wait for plants to start producing. We have 24 tomatoes plants and two rows of beans right now.
Complete one house project (finish basement, re-side house, re-shingle roof)
- We bought siding in May and plan to get most of the siding done in June.
Install basement windows ☑
- Completed in May!
Contribution Goals
Volunteer 10 nights/month max
I had two events in May. My volunteering will significantly be reduced over the summer since most of the organizations have events during the school year.
Share your goals with us! Comment below or message us to be held accountable to your goals. If you aren't familiar with our goal series, be sure to check out our posts:
- I had two events in May. My volunteering will significantly be reduced over the summer since most of the organizations have events during the school year.
Share your goals with us! Comment below or message us to be held accountable to your goals. If you aren't familiar with our goal series, be sure to check out our posts:
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