2019 New Year's Goals

While it is rather late in January to be posting about goals or resolutions, we figure better late than never. We have revamped our goal tracking and presentation for 2019 for better visual tracking and hopefully will lead to better goal progress. We have created visuals for each goal that discuss the goal, the importance of each goal, potential problems, and a tracking graphic to show our progress. Most of the goals we have broken down into sub-goals (such as monthly or weekly) to track and force us to check in more regularly. It also will cause us to re-evaluate throughout the year if we begin falling behind. The SMART goal check is listed on the first graphic as a reminder of how to set goals, but is not broken down on subsequent goals.

Example of Goal Tracking Graphics

We post monthly updates to hold ourselves accountable and allow others to follow along with us. Let us know your goals too - comment on the post, message us on Facebook, or send an email! If you'd like to be held accountable too, send us your goals and check in with us monthly. If we get a large enough response, we will form a private accountability group to check in as often as needed and to promote everyone achieving their 2019 goals! If you would like to learn more about how to set goals, scroll to the bottom for links to our goal setting series.

For those of you who would rather watch our goal update, here's the video:

Financial Goals

Business Goals

 Rolland Tutoring
Rolland Tutoring

Thriftism (Ashley Rolland) Channel

Fitness Goals

Click to Explore Yoga With Adriene Dedicate Challenge

01/20-01/26: 37,451 
01/27-01/30 (time of post): 15,562

Mental Goals


Inferno-Dan Brown


Real Simple - January
Oprah Magazine - January

Links to World Bible School Study

Miscellaneous Goals

Connect with us!

If you need help understanding SMART goals, check out our series on goal setting:


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