How to Crochet - Beginner Basics - Chain Stitch (ch)

So you want to crochet? You'll need to learn how to complete the chain stitch to start out. It is the foundation of your crochet projects. It is typically abbreviated as ch or chs followed by the number of stitches. For example ch 10 would be chain ten.

What you need to crochet:

Crochet Hook

Start by forming a slip knot. Click the link to see our previous post on how to create a slipknot along with a video. Place your crochet hook inside the slipknot.

Tips on holding the yarn:

Hold the slipknot in left hand and use your left thumb to hold the tail of the yarn.

Tips of holding the crochet hook:

Hold the crochet hook in your right hand. Your thumb and index finger should be on the flat part of the crochet hook with the rest of your fingers curled around the handle. Crochet hook should be facing upwards.Slide the hook between yarn and left hand index finger. Grab the yarn (or yarn over) with the crochet hook. Pull the yarn down through your slipknot. You have just completed one chain stitch. Continue the yarn over, pull through process until you have completed the desired number of chains.


  • Tension is vital. If you have varying tension through your stitches you will not get a uniform pattern. One end may end up wider than the other.
  • Count your stitches. In order to create a successful project you must pay attention to the number of each type of stitch you make. If you do too few stitches, your piece will narrow and vice versa.
  • Use appropriately sized hook for your projects.


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